Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Win 100Euros and much more with Isabis Beauty Video Contest!
Hello All Beauty Lovers!
Do you think you have the best beauty regimen? We are looking for the best instructional video for on your personal beauty regimen! Enter for a chance to win a 100 Euro Amazon gift card and a personalized Beauty Care Kit from Isabis Beauty shop!
Please read the following very carefully to make sure that you win!!
Please read the following very carefully to make sure that you win!!
The two most informative and creative videos will win great prizes!
Get your video featured on Isabis’s Facebook Page, YouTube, Blog and Twitter for women of color around the world to see!
-The 2 Grand prize winners will get:
o 100€ Amazon gift card
o Featured video on Isabis Beauty Facebook, YouTube, Blog and Twitter
**********DEADLINE AUGUST 24, 2011 23:00 PARIS,FRANCE TIME**********
**********DEADLINE AUGUST 24, 2011 23:00 PARIS,FRANCE TIME**********
Video Submission Instructions
1. Video must be a maximum of 8mins long
2. Title your video "Isabis Beauty Video Contest: 'First name, Last Initial' ". For example, if your name is Kate Campbell, title your video "Isabis Video Contest: Kate C "
3. You have three options to upload your video
Option 1 (Facebook Users): Upload your video to Isabis Facebook Wall
Option 2 (YouTube Users): Share your video or send a video message to Isabis YouTube Channel
Option 3 (Email): Send us an email with your video attachment/link to
4. Spread the word and invite your friends to join!!
1. Video must be a maximum of 8mins long
2. Title your video "Isabis Beauty Video Contest: 'First name, Last Initial' ". For example, if your name is Kate Campbell, title your video "Isabis Video Contest: Kate C "
3. You have three options to upload your video
Option 1 (Facebook Users): Upload your video to Isabis Facebook Wall
Option 2 (YouTube Users): Share your video or send a video message to Isabis YouTube Channel
Option 3 (Email): Send us an email with your video attachment/link to
4. Spread the word and invite your friends to join!!
Contest Rules
1. Eligibility: Must live in Europe
2. Only one submission per person/email
3. Duration: Contest will run from August 8, 2011 to August 24, 2011 23:00, Paris, France
4. Video Submission
o The video should be about haircare, skincare or both.
o Video length must be in English or french and no longer than 8 minutes
o Videos must be submitted via
5. Amazon gift cards will be sent vial email to 2 winning recipients
6. Beauty products must be sent to a physical mailing location addressed to the original 1st and 2nd prize winners
7. Isabis reserves the right to revoke any video it considers inappropriate, vulgar or irrelevant
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Spring/Summer Looks We Love!
Finally! The weather seems to be acting right the last few days...but somehow my hair doesn't! Now that it is getting hot and humid I am looking for fun,stylish ways to rock my hair for the Spring/Summer. Here are some beautiful looks that help me find a happy balance between a simple ponytail and wearing my hair down:
As always, Chanel Iman is working this Bump Pony! To get this look it is really important to do some edge control! Think your edges can't look smooth because your hair is natural or you're transitioning? Well think again! What I have found to work wonders on my edges are 3 simple things:
1.Moisturizing gel or lotion
-I use QP Elasta Glaze because it makes my hair feel smooth even 24hrs later!
2.Smoothing brush
-I usually wet the brush a little for easy gliding and then dip it in the Glaze as needed.Make sure the bristles are not too hard:)
3.Head scarf
-Fold it length-wise and wrap it around edges as you get ready to go out. Take it off in about 10mins and voila! Your edges will be in control and moisturized for the whole day.
You can't deny it..braids are very convenient in the spring/summer. They are low maintainable but many women take a lazy approach to wearing breads. To avoid breakage and dryness, don't forget to
1.Wash and condition your hair at least every two weekends
2.Moisturize your scalp with non-greasy substances(I love using extra virgin olive oil or Kemi Oyl)
3.Remove your braids and let your hair breath after maximum 6weeks
Loose curls are so feminine and romantic! This style lasts longer if you can commit to pin-curling your hair every night.
Keep Look #4 shiny with Alter Ego's Hasty Lux
Finger-curl these natural ringlets with a great moisturizer in the morning and go! And don't forget the edge control:)
Look #6 Bobs will never go out of style! Wear it highlighted or dark brown
Although this goddess style may not last past 1week, you can still appreciate how regal it looks! Take one small chunk of hair from one side, braid it nicely, and pin the end of the braid to the other side. You can also get creative and use two braids..or even tight twists! I saved the best for last!
There you have it! I love these looks but now it's time to choose which one I will use!
Share Beauty.
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Look #1 I want to low-down on this low bun |
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Look #2 The Bump Pony! |
As always, Chanel Iman is working this Bump Pony! To get this look it is really important to do some edge control! Think your edges can't look smooth because your hair is natural or you're transitioning? Well think again! What I have found to work wonders on my edges are 3 simple things:
1.Moisturizing gel or lotion
-I use QP Elasta Glaze because it makes my hair feel smooth even 24hrs later!
2.Smoothing brush
-I usually wet the brush a little for easy gliding and then dip it in the Glaze as needed.Make sure the bristles are not too hard:)
3.Head scarf
-Fold it length-wise and wrap it around edges as you get ready to go out. Take it off in about 10mins and voila! Your edges will be in control and moisturized for the whole day.
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European residents can BUY THIS NOW |
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Look #3 Long thick rasta! |
You can't deny it..braids are very convenient in the spring/summer. They are low maintainable but many women take a lazy approach to wearing breads. To avoid breakage and dryness, don't forget to
1.Wash and condition your hair at least every two weekends
2.Moisturize your scalp with non-greasy substances(I love using extra virgin olive oil or Kemi Oyl)
3.Remove your braids and let your hair breath after maximum 6weeks
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Look #4 Surfing with Loose Waves |
Loose curls are so feminine and romantic! This style lasts longer if you can commit to pin-curling your hair every night.
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Look #4 Alter Ego Lux Shine Spray-BUY THIS NOW if you live in Europe |
Keep Look #4 shiny with Alter Ego's Hasty Lux
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Look #5 This cropped natural look is a beauty! |
Finger-curl these natural ringlets with a great moisturizer in the morning and go! And don't forget the edge control:)
Look #6 Bobs will never go out of style! Wear it highlighted or dark brown
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Look #7 Look like a goddess! |
Although this goddess style may not last past 1week, you can still appreciate how regal it looks! Take one small chunk of hair from one side, braid it nicely, and pin the end of the braid to the other side. You can also get creative and use two braids..or even tight twists! I saved the best for last!
There you have it! I love these looks but now it's time to choose which one I will use!
Share Beauty.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
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Happy Hair Days! |
As you know, everybody has hair tips but sometimes it takes forever to make them work for what to do?? Healthy hair is all about mixing and matching while still following a system/routine. Here are some of the best tips Isabis can share and the mix n' match products we use:
Guide 1: Clean hair is healthy hair.
-Use the shampoo of your choice but consistently wash your hair at least every 2weeks for course hair. I prefer every weekend but sometimes there's not time:)
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I love this good-smelling shampoo |
Guide 2: Lightweight hair is flowy hair
-One of the biggest reasons why hair, especially course hair, doesn't flow with the wind is because it is weighed down by greasy hair products. Ever since I stopped using hair grease, my hair stayed clean/fresh longer. Not to mention that most hair grease products are packed with petrolatum (petroleum jelly) which clogs our pores! So use the shampoo of your choice but replace greasy products with lightweight
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Distribute a small amount of this on scalp and throughout hair |
As far as scalp application, I avoid using my fingers because it gets messy. Here is a little trick I learned to avoid spilling hair oil all over your hair. You will need:
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1.Dedicate this bowl to healthy hair! |
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2.Add your essential hair oils to the bowl. I love mixing Kemy Oyl and extra virgin olive oil. |
![]() | 4.Repeat this process throughout scalp![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Gently dip hair color applicator brush into oil, wipe excess, and pat directly onto scalp. |
Guide 3: Conditioned hair is soft hair
-In case you haven't heard, conditioners are golden treasures for all types of hair. They usually fall into 3 basic categories: Rinse, Deep, and Leave-in. This distinction helps you determine how to use the product.The benefits are silky, soft hair. It's simple!
A. Use "Rinse" conditioners right after a shampoo, massage for 3-4mins and rinse out
B.Use "Deep" conditioners on damaged/processed hair right after a shampoo, put a plastic cap, sit under hair dryer 10-15mins, massage while rinsing out
C. Use "Leave-in" conditioners right after rinsing out a "Rinse" OR "Deep" conditioner and style as needed
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"Rinse" conditioner |
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"Deep" conditioner-European residents can BUY THIS NOW |
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"Leave-In"-European residents can BUY THIS NOW |
Guide 4: Wrapped/pinned hair is reliable hair
-Ok, I am guilty of not following this rule so bare with me:) Every night before going to bed, it is very important to brush out all of the knots and stresses of the day out of your beautiful strands! Whether you like to wrap or pincurl your hair, just remember to thoroughly brush it. Here are some useful videos on wrapping/unwrapping and pincurling
Enjoy and good luck! Stay tuned for more beauty tips from Isabis!
Do you have any products to recommend?Please leave us a comment!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Isabis Beauty Train- All Aboard! (VERSION FRANÇAISE)
Ehhh oui ! J’ai décidé ce week-end de faire quelque chose de spécial. Je suis allé dans un de mes endroits préférés…un salon dominicain. Comme vous pouvez le voir sur la vidéo, j'en avais vraiment besoin J
Mesdemoiselles… je vous embarque avec moi pour un « road trip beauté ». Car, je sais qu'il y a parmi vous quelques-unes qui comme moi aimerait poser des questions beauté à des professionnels, obtenir de petites astuces pour le quotidien.
Alors suivez-moi !… Notre premier arrêt cette semaine est au Star Hair Design pour un shampooing / Brushing. Pendant, Velkis me lave les cheveux avec « Silicon Mix Bambu » accompagné d’un délicieux massage, elle me recommande pour mes soins quotidiens le shampooing « Alter Ego ».
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Un des meilleurs conditionneurs pour les cheveux endommagés ! |
Tenez-vous bien…. Selon Velkis en République Dominicaine La plupart des filles apprennent à faire un massage du cuir chevelu dès l'âge de 12 ans !! Je comprends pourquoi j’ai toujours envie d’aller chez mon coiffeur dominicain à chaque fois que je me sens stressée!
Un des stylistes appréciant des rythmes dominicains |
Alors que des clientes esquissent quelques pas de danses ambiance dominicaine, Vivianna (la réceptionniste) recommande aux femmes aux cheveux secs / endommagés d’appliquer le conditionneur et le garder sous un séchoir ou hotte 15mins avant de se coiffer. C’est exactement ce que Velkis a fait en voyant comment mes cheveux endommagés. Après avoir appliqué « Crece Pelo » elle m'a placé sous la hotte pour 10 minutes pour ensuite appliquer mis « Kuz Straightening Finishing Wax » suivi « Sebastian potion 9 » pour une tenu parfaite !
Avoir une hotte mesdemoiselles… c’est non-négociable!
Voilà mes cheveux tous neuf tous beaux! Ce n’est pas fini… Velkis applique enfin « Miracle 10 » pour apporter ce touché de soie lorsqu’elle les lisse pour parfaire le tout!
Ça y’est je suis la plus belle J
Merci d’avoir partagé ce bout petit voyage avec moi. N'oubliez pas de regarder la vidéo, et les photos, et poser vos questions… je me chargerai de trouver les réponses auprès des professionnels !
A la semaine prochaine…
Produits recommandés: Crece Pelo Deep treatment Conditionner, Sebastian potion 9 Wearable Styling traitement (pour les cheveux teint).
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Mettez ceci sur les cheveux humides et couleur-traités avant de mettre des rouleaux de cheveux |
Les 2 conseils Beauté Isabis:
1. La petite astuce pour avoir de parfaite boucles à la dominicaine, garder une prise ferme sur les cheveux pendant que vous les enroulez autour du rouleau …C'est un moyen sûr d'éviter les frisottis le lendemain!
2. Pour garder un brushing parfait, le soir avant de vous coucher, envelopper vos cheveux maintenus par des épingles dans une écharpe en satin ou tout simplement des bas ! Eh oui mesdames ça fonctionne aussi !
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Avant |
Ensuite! |
Monday, April 18, 2011
Isabis Beauty Train- All Aboard!
This weekend I decided to turn an every weekend outing into something special. I went to one of my favorite Dominican hair salons to have a hair experience!As you can see, I definitely needed it:
And of course I had to bring you ladies back the juicy details not only because I find it useful but also because I know there are many women out there that would love to get their beauty questions answered from professionals. So follow me on this ‘beauty road trip’ as I go salon to salon asking all types of questions and bringing back a detailed summary of the salon’s service,look, and best of all, tips and tricks from stylists themselves. Post a comment/question and let me do all of the work for you..I’ll report to you with answers to your most burning beauty/haircare questions. Jump aboard the Isabis Beauty Train!
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My Hot Mess Hair |
And of course I had to bring you ladies back the juicy details not only because I find it useful but also because I know there are many women out there that would love to get their beauty questions answered from professionals. So follow me on this ‘beauty road trip’ as I go salon to salon asking all types of questions and bringing back a detailed summary of the salon’s service,look, and best of all, tips and tricks from stylists themselves. Post a comment/question and let me do all of the work for you..I’ll report to you with answers to your most burning beauty/haircare questions. Jump aboard the Isabis Beauty Train!
Our first stop is Star Hair Design in Rockville, MD ( This salon is owned by a very nice husband and wife team. The owner, Edwin, is a barber and past co-worker of mine from D’Franco Family Hair Salon(Dominican salon) in Hyattsville. Now let’s get down to the nitty gritty!
I found ample parking next to Star Hair Design on Sunday morning as I prepared myself for a hair experience. I was immediately greeted and welcomed to sign-in at the front desk in order for them to process my request. I signed up for a simple Wash/Set/Blowdry and I was escorted to a reclining shampoo chair..oh yes..I could definitely get used to this. Velkis shampooed my hair with Silicon Mix Bambu Shampoo this time but she also recommends shampoos from Alter Ego. Velkis was both firm and gentle on my scalp and revealed to me that what makes Dominican style shampoos so special simply stems from the fact that it’s so darn hot in Dominican Republic (DR) that stylists learn early on the importance of a thorough shampoo. “Most girls in the DR learn by the age of 12yrs from the women in the family how to give a great shampoo massage..”, said Velkis as she reminded me why I always feel like going to the hair salon every time I’m stressed!
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One of the best conditioners out there! |
Enjoying Dominican rhythms |
Thanks for riding along the Isabis Beauty Train! Don’t forget to watch the video, enjoy the pics, and post your questions.
Here is a summary:
Salon/Location: Star Hair Design/12222 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
Arrival date/time: Sunday @10:30am
People ahead of me: 5
Wait time: 0mins
Ambiance: Clean, friendly,festive
Customer Service: great, efficient
Service: Wash/Set/Blow-dry
Price: $40
Shampoo experience: ahhh..heavenly
Time in dryer: 50mins with coarse hair
Featured Products: Crece Pelo Deep Treatment Conditioner, Sebastian Potion 9 Wearable Styling Treatment (for color-processed hair)
Isabis Beauty Tips:
1. The trick to perfect roller sets Dominican style is keeping a firm grip on the hair while it is straightened around the roller..this is a sure way to avoid a frizzy mess!
2. Maintain your fresh blowed-out roots at home by wrapping your hair EVERY night with hair pins, a round brush, and a satin scarf!
Dominican Blowdry @ 1:13
Stylist mini-interview @ 4:33
Isabis Beauty Rating @ 6:22
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